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Of course, it would be wrong to say nothing has changed in the last few decades, says Rich Wahls, an aerodynamicist at Nasa Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. model airliners don come out every year like cars, but it not as high end replica bags if they haven been evolving buy replica bags under the skin the whole time. There so replica designer backpacks much more technology in there nowadays.

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But despite these advances, aviation engineers know there is still much to be done. Take fuel prices, for instance, which have soared in recent years. Despite modern planes being 60% to 70% more efficient than those built 60 years ago, aviation fuel expenditures now account for replica bags from china a quarter replica bags buy online of an airlines operating expenses, Click This Link placing them on a par with labor costs. In 2011, large US air carriers paid half again as much for fuel as what they paid in 2000. Add the fact that global airline travel is expected to grow to 3.3 billion annually by 2014 (up one third from 2009), and it clear why engineers are searching for new ways to boost performance.

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There are, however, are other ways to improve performance than just making longer wings. A team from MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for example, put forward the D8 for consideration by Nasa. This aircraft design, features a double wide fuselage composed of two standard body cylinders melded together side by side, as well as low swept wings that cut drag and weight. The idea of the wider body shape is to increase lift generated by the fuselage, rather than it being mostly dead weight slung between two wings. The extra lift and reduced drag cuts back on the quantity of fuel that the luxury replica bags engines must burn. If the jet were built today from standard aluminum alloys it could provide a 50% reduction in fuel use, according to the MIT designers; a low mass polymer composite version could give 70% efficiency gains. In addition, because the D8 turbine engines replica designer bags sit on top of the fuselage in a box shaped tail, they would cut the amount of engine noise broadcast to the ground.

The D8 idea for generating greater lift is taken to an extreme in another design called the N3 X hybrid wing body airplane, which Nasa developed in house. At first glance, the N3 X looks a lot like a so called flying wing design, used by planes such as the US Air Force B 2 stealth bomber. These comprise a single, thick triangular wing that enclose all of the plane contents cockpit, stores, engines, fuel tanks and flight surfaces. But, unlike the B 2 flying wing, the N3 X hybrid wing body also features two thin, rather conventional wings attached to the sides of its ultra wide fuselage.

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Engineers are aware, however, that new airframe shapes will only get them part of the way to their goals. To really make a difference, particularly to fuel consumption and engine noise, planes will also need radically new propulsion systems mounted or integrated into the airframe in novel ways. And, like car designers, aircraft manufacturers makers are beginning to explore the possibilities of electric and hybrid engines.

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The idea is to use two large turbine engines to drive electric generators that would produce electricity to power 15 electric motor driven, thrust producing fans that would be embedded across the top bag replica high quality rear of the broad fuselage. Such a configuration could be very efficient, Del Rosario says. The array of small electric propulsion fans at the stern of N3 X enables the designers to cut drag significantly by accelerating the flow of drag causing air moving over the upper surface of the fuselage, keeping efficiency sapping air friction at a minimum. Like the D8, the top mounted propulsor fans would also effectively lower noise emissions because the body would come between them and the ground below.

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If that scheme sounds far out, other manufacturers are looking at developing fully electric systems for the 2050 time frame. Aircraft engineers and designers at Eads, the parent firm of Airbus, for instance, have proposed a rather extreme concept called the Voltaire. The bulbous, 50 seat fuselage with two, high quality replica bags long slender wings and a giant propeller on the tail, make it resemble a submarine. The concept, first put forward in 2011, would use next generation batteries to power high efficiency superconducting electric motors that would in turn drive the giant counter rotating propellers mounted in a cylindrical shroud at the tail. Unlike any of the Nasa concepts, it is designed to be zero emission.

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